Essex Police has revealed plans to make all 99 of its PCSOs redundant in an effort to balance its budget.
Whether you're nearing retirement or looking to embark on a new career after years of service, a new online platform has been launched to help you transition smoothly.
As 2025 gets underway, we want to update members on the progress of this year’s pay review process and the Federation’s approach.
PFEW CEO sheds light on how the issues affecting the organisation and carves a roadmap for stakeholder engagement.
Mukund Krishna openly discusses top priorities with Journalist Danny Shaw in latest CEO Direct episode.
Police officers and civilians honoured in 2025 King’s New Year Honours.
The Police Federation of England & Wales (PFEW) is exploring legal action to stop new vetting rules which it says will unfairly destroy the careers of good police officers.
We hope you enjoy reading this year’s last print edition as we move to publishing an exclusive e-edition from February 2025.
PFEW appoints Charlie Hall QPM, Chief Constable for Hertfordshire Constabulary, as a strategic advisor. He will take up this new role after he retires from the police service at the end of this month.
Government must support bureaucracy-cutting Bill proposal to free up thousands of police hours.
Welsh National Police Bravery Awards nominees and winners congratulated at reception.
Session was a rare opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge about real-life criminal investigations, the challenges detectives face, and the critical decision-making processes involved.
In a Q&A session, members had their questions answered directly by CEO Mukund Krishna, Acting National Chair Tiff Lynch and Acting Deputy National Secretary John Partington.
PFEW CEO Mukund Krishna shares the Federation’s strategy for 2028.
For police officers across England and Wales, pay and conditions of service understandably remains one of their top concerns.
The panel discussed many high profile cases and the importance of the relationship between the media and the police.
Wide-ranging discussion covered what he would like to see from the new Government, pay and improved processes.