Police Federation

Police Bravery Awards 2024

Police Bravery Awards 2023 banner

Each year we are humbled to receive nominations for officers across 43 force areas - officers who have put the safety of others before themselves. From running into burning buildings, wading into deep waters, tackling armed offenders, being shot at, stabbed, driven at, the list goes on.

Every officer we recognise at the Police Bravery Awards is an inspiration and we pay credit to their dedication to duty in the presence of senior officials in government and policing, culminating in a glittering awards ceremony.

On Thursday 11 July we celebrated the extraordinary acts of courage carried out by 102 police officers (plus a police dog) from 39 police forces across England and Wales.

These awards would not be possible without the support of Police Mutual, who have steadfastly sponsored the Police Bravery Awards for more than 10 years. 

Kerry McMahon-White
Managing Director, Police Mutual

“We are very proud to continue to sponsor the National Police Federation of England and Wales Police Bravery Awards honouring exceptional Officers who have served their communities in extraordinary ways demonstrating exceptional bravery, commitment
and sacrifice.

"I am sure I can speak on behalf of my colleagues when I say that all Police officers are heroes regardless of whether you win an award or not. You go to work everyday never knowing what you will face in your shift, putting the safety and security of the public before your own, running towards danger regardless of the personal risks you are taking. We pay tribute to all of you who get up every day, proudly pull on the uniform, and put yourselves in harm’s way so that the rest of us can live our lives in safety”.

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