Police Federation

Pensions Update

Engaging with our members around the police pension schemes is one of our most important areas of work. The PFEW pensions team provides regular newsletters and website updates on a complete range of police pension issues and related topics.

In addition, the NPCC publish updates regularly via its website and we have referenced several of their documents within the topic areas below.

You can also listen to our latest episodes of podcasts here answering FAQs on various topics.

If you have not received the newsletter please email pensionenquiries@polfed.org.

Click on the key topic areas below for the latest position.

Terms & Conditions

The pension website is intended to give generic information about the police pension schemes.

While reasonable care has been taken to ensure that information on the website is accurate, no liability or responsibility will be accepted for any direct or consequential loss, financial or otherwise, or any other obligation or liability incurred by use of this website. 

Members of a police pension scheme must not make any financial decisions based upon information provided on the website. Nothing displayed on this website can override the provisions of the police pension scheme regulations and/or other legislation. 

In the event of any dispute, the appropriate legislation will prevail as this website does not confer any contractual or statutory rights and is provided for information purposes only. 

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