Police Federation

FOI 00286 - Special Constables - PFEW membership


Received: 22 April 2022

I would ask that you kindly supply the following data.
1.Which Chief Police Officers in England and Wales pay Federation Membership Fees on behalf of their Special Constabulary staff ?
and how much in total did each force pay in the current financial year
2.Which Police and Crime Commissioners for England and Wales pay Federation Membership Fees on behalf of their Special Constabulary staff and how much in total did each Commissioner pay in the current financial year 
3. In respect of Surrey Police. How  many individual Special Constables have formally requested the services/support/advice or representation of the Police Federation for an issue directly arising out of a matter connected to duty.
Please supply data over the last 3 statistical years.


Responded: 13 May 2022

Thank you for your request for information.


In accordance with section 1. (1)(a) and 1(b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we do not hold this information.  The legislation allowing Special Constables membership of the Police Federation does not come into force in the UK until 28 June 2022.

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