National Chair John Apter
As many people know I started my life in policing as a Special Constable on the Isle of Wight in 1988 – I have always appreciated this unique role and remain passionate about them receiving the support they deserve.
Our amazing Specials have dedicated thousands of hours during this unprecedented time, facing the same risks and dangers as regular officers in order to protect the public, the NHS and help our Police Service. As many will be aware, we have been campaigning for Special Constables to be members of the Police Federation, if they want to. We are almost there and this should become legislation later this year.
I have always thought it wrong that Specials had little or no representation in place, despite the risks they face. We recognise the valuable contribution, help and assistance that they provide and our fight for them to be members of the Federation is not born of anything other than it being the right thing to do.
If collectively as an organisation we can show our support for Specials by allowing them to become part of the Federation, if they want to, then what a great way to pay tribute and give something back to them.
We applaud and thank the extraordinary individuals who choose to become Special Constables – your dedication and hardwork is truly recognised by the Federation. Thank you.