90 days from today is Sun, 18 May 2025
Do you have questions about your mortgage?
Police Federation Members update on Pensions
If you are a member of the George Burrows Insurance & Travel Scheme and planning to Travel in the coming weeks, please note the following from AVIVA on their current stance regarding the Coronavirus.
Cycling to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire
Firearms lead, Steve Hartshorn, reacts to “inaccurate” publication
You can now book to stay at our Holiday Lodge in Sandyballs
FAQ's and latest updates added
Pensions Update
Sussex Police Federation statement in relation to the Pensions decision by the Court of Appeal
It says matter has dragged on for ‘far too long’ and caused ‘frustration and anger’ amongst members
Police Discount Offers is owned by ex-Police Officer Steve Jones
Gross Misconduct allegations against PC Bridger were today dismissed by a panel
A string of cyber attacks have affected Federation IT systems including this website
Latest update on PFEW Cyber-Attack
Sponsored by Sussex Police Federation in partnership with Police Money Matters (PMM) we would like to invite all London & South East police officers – particularly those ‘residing or working’ in the Sussex Police area- who are nearing retirement or who are in their last three years of service.
Huge numbers who have served our country find themselves homeless, in debt and struggling with the devastating effects of PTSD.
Sussex Police Federation & Police Money Matters offer a Pre‐Retirement Seminar!
Tuscany and Disneyland Vacations
Latest Offers From Voice Mobile - Black Friday
PC Lee Willis is raising funds for MIND
The Job & The Life is the UK’s first force-wide policing survey to assess trauma management and working conditions. It is being independently delivered by the University of Cambridge as part of the Trauma Resilience in UK Policing project.
Shocking statistics show ANOTHER increase in violent crime
The 2017 annual report has now been uploaded.
The Police Federation of England and Wales welcomes the news today that the Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Bill has been granted Royal Assent
New documents have been uploaded for the group insurance scheme and gadget insurance
2018 rates for Merlin Entertainments
Chairs Press statement at conclusion of Misconduct Hearing relating to the death of Duncan Tomlin
Police Charities UK is a consortium and has a lot of information in relation in this area
Welcome to our new-look website - currently under construction