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Sussex Police Federation

South East Allowance to be raised for Sussex Police Officers to £2,000 – update from our Chair Daren Egan

29 July 2022

South East Allowance to be raised for Sussex Police Officers to £2,000 – update from our Chair Daren Egan

Following the Government’s recent £1,900 pay award for all Police Officers, Sussex Chief Constable Jo Shiner has announced that in addition she will be raising the South East allowance for Sussex Police officers to the maximum £2000 per year - taking the total increase in all officers pay to £2,400.

The Chief and I know how much our officers are struggling financially to make ends meet, some making difficult financial decisions on whether to pay a bill or buy food, so for some time now the Federation have been working closely with the Chief Constable’s office to see what financial help can been given to officers.

During this time our branch submitted evidenced based proposals supporting an uplift in the South East allowance, so I am really pleased that the Chief has taken it forward by announcing a £500 increase to the maximum amount.

When I spoke to her I personally thanked her on behalf of all of our members who will benefit from it, I know it will make a difference.

Nationally there is still much to do when it comes to Police Officer pay. Even with the recent pay rise Police Officers have still seen the biggest reductions in pay amongst the emergency services. Our Chief has done as much as she can do, but the Government has not.

The struggle for fair pay will continue. The Federation will continue to fight and lobby the Government for a fair and independent pay mechanism - similar to what the MP’s have themselves.

They wouldn’t accept anything else… and neither should we.