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Sussex Police Federation

Lofty Goals: Sussex Sgt Wins Pink Tribute Tickets Thanks To Federation

27 February 2024

Sussex Police Federation has been working with East Sussex National who have kindly offered some free events for our officers to attend.

As part of this we circulate an email out to all of our membership and ask them to nominate a colleague who deserves a treat. On this occasion the event was a meal for two and two tickets to a Pink tribute show at the East Sussex National.

One of the winners was Det Sgt Vicky Lofts – affectionately known as Lofty - who has recently been promoted.

She was nominated by more than one colleague because…

“[She is] An incredibly hard working compassionate team leader who we all appreciate amongst our team. She is also a Pink Superfan so it just makes perfect sense.”

“I am nominating Lofty… this was her first role as a Sgt… Lofty would never falter in being supportive to her officers despite the constant learning she had to do everyday. Lofty has always been incredibly easy going and approachable.”

“Det Sgt Lofts ensures officer welfare was still a main priority, she done a great deal for me personally being a great sergeant and I'm sure I speak for everyone on team when I say we would not of been able to get through the past two months without her. It would be amazing for DS LOFTS to win this just as a small thank you on behalf of the team and Sussex Police for all her hard work over the past 2/3 months.”

“We now have one of the best supervisors, she is always so welfare driven and she always stays behind until the last officer has left the building.”

Well done Lofty. We hope you enjoyed Pink!

Please keep an eye out on email for more chances to nominate well deserving colleagues!