Police Federation

FOI 00331 - Research reports


Received: 13 July 2023

As part of PCDA programme I am writing my dissertation around the decline in police officer morale across forces in the united kingdom, I was wondering if you have any reports that show the results of recent surveys asked across the U.K police forces.

In particular if there are reports going back as far as 2009 that would be even better.

I remember answering questions to a police federation survey regarding job satisfaction, lack of pay etc. The answers to these reports would be extremely useful and would be referenced in the dissertation if the information is useful, which I feel it will be


Responded: 20 July 2023

Prior to 2014 there was no social research function so, for this reason, Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) can only publish research from 2014 onwards.  It may help you to access the Survey Hub on via our website.  The link is as follows: https://www.polfed.org/resources/survey-hub/ 

Included in this response are two documents that you may find useful.  They have previously been published on the PFEW website but, due to their age, are not longer viewable there. 

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