Police Federation

FOI 00293 - Qualifications of Derbyshire PFEW Officials


Received: 19 July 2022

Could you kindly outline what qualifications Kirsty BUNN of Derbyshire PFEW may or may not posses. It appears that KIRSTY is taxed by the PFEW to ascertain whether funding may or may not be available to Police Injury on Duty applicants over issues of Police Pension maladministration.

1/ Is KIRSTY a qualified solicitor and able to give opinion regarding Injury on Duty issues.

2/ Is KIRSTY a qualified Doctor to provide opinion over said matters in (1/).

3/ If KIRSTY is neither a solicitor or Doctor how valid is her advice.

4/ Should any advice imparted in her professional role prove not be accurate to whom would the IOD applicant complain and what recourse would the PFEW take in the event of mal advice or further possible mal administration

5/ Exactly what training has been provided by the PFEW for KIRSTY to perform her role.


Responded: 20 June 2022


Could you kindly outline what qualifications Kirsty BUNN of Derbyshire PFEW may or may not posses. It appears that KIRSTY is taxed by the PFEW to ascertain whether funding may or may not be available to Police Injury on Duty applicants over issues of Police Pension maladministration. 

1/ Is KIRSTY a qualified solicitor and able to give opinion regarding Injury on Duty issues. 



The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) confirm that it does not hold records of legal qualifications of the Derbyshire Branch Secretary/Treasurer 



2/ Is KIRSTY a qualified Doctor to provide opinion over said matters in (1/). 



PFEW confirm that it does do not hold records of medical qualifications of the Derbyshire Branch Secretary/Treasurer 



3/ If KIRSTY is neither a solicitor or Doctor how valid is her advice. 



All PFEW Elected officers are required by PFEW to have sufficient knowledge or expertise in a range of areas. 



4/ Should any advice imparted in her professional role prove not be accurate to whom would the IOD applicant complain and what recourse would the PFEW take in the event of mal advice or further possible mal administration 



This response is considered exempt under the Freedom if Information Act 2000, Part II, 21 Information accessible to applicant by other means. 


For ease, this information can be found on the PFEW website under Fund Rules here: https://www.polfed.org/support/legal-advice-assistance/ 



5/ Exactly what training has been provided by the PFEW for KIRSTY to perform her role. 



PFEW offers a range of training and courses to all elected Branch officials and Federation Representatives in order to ensure they are able to perform their roles effectively.  Some of there are (but are not limited to): 

  • Advocacy 
  • Conduct and Performance 
  • Post Incident Procedure 


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