Police Federation

FOI 00277 - Officer statistics


Received: 14 December 2021

I am looking to seek to obtain the information below to aid in my dissertation.

  1. The number of police officer suicides for 2019 and 2020.  
  2. Statistics for assaults on police officers for 2020.  
  3. Are there measures within the police organisation to help support police officers with mental health problems?  
  4. What is the number of individual police officers to have been medically retired, specifically on mental health grounds for 2020. 


Responded: 17 January 2022

  1. The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) can confirm that we do not hold this information. 
  2. See response to Question 1
  3. The PFEW provide a Welfare Support Programme to provide the appropriate support to PFEW members in their time of need.
  4. See response to Question 1 
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