Police Federation

PFEW National Chair issues statement on protests

"The amount of operational planning leading up to the event, and the hard work of highly skilled, public order-trained police officers on the frontline, making decisions in the face of unpredictability, truly is impressive."

11 November 2023


Police Federation of England and Wales National Chair Steve Hartshorn said:
“Today’s events have spotlighted policing throughout a challenging, volatile, situation. The amount of operational planning leading up to the event, and the hard work of highly skilled, public order-trained police officers on the frontline, making decisions in the face of unpredictability, truly is impressive.

“We will continue to support all members before, during and after delivering policing operations, including ensuring they have access to the best equipment, conditions and remuneration as they carry out this immensely physically demanding work, working incredibly long shifts, to keep the public as safe as possible.”

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