Police Federation

FOI 00287 - Professional Standards disclosures


Received: 13 May 2022

  1. Does your Force require officers and staff to disclose to Professional Standards Departments/Anti-Corruption Units/Vetting Units  any new intimate personal relationships they enter? 
  2. What does your Force define as an intimate personal relationship requiring disclosure? 
  3. Does this definition include extra marital / relationship affairs? 
  4. How many investigations have there been in your Force in the last 3 years into non-disclosure of extra marital / relationship affairs? Please break these numbers down into the following categories: 
  5. Male Police Officers 
  6. Female Police Officers 
  7. Male Civilian Staff 
  8. Female Civilian staff 
  9. How many officers / staff have been disciplined for non-disclosure of extra marital / relationship affairs in the last 3 years? 
  10. Male Police Officers 
  11. Female Police Officers 
  12. Male Civilian Staff 
  13. Female Civilian staff 
  14. How many officers / staff have been demoted or denied promotion due to non-disclosure of extra marital / relationship affairs in the last 3 years? 
  15. Male Police Officers 
  16. Female Police Officers 
  17. Male Civilian Staff 
  18. Female Civilian staff 



Responded: 15 June 2022

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we do not hold this information.

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