Police Federation

FOI 00261 - Salaries


Received: 21 July 2021

I would like to know what the salary range/band is for each of the following: 

 Head of Communications 

Head of Finance 

Head of HR 

Head of IT 

Head of Marketing 

Head of Research and Policy 

Chief Operating Officer/Director of Operations 

 Please provide this for each role. 


Responded: 19 August 2021

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) can confirm that it does hold the information requested.  It should be noted that the role titles asked for do not all match with roles within the PFEW, however we are providing data which we believe are closest to those asked for.  Due to a recent restructure, the Research and Policy team has been split into two different departments and so the role of Head of Research & Policy no longer exists. 

 PFEW does hold salary details for these roles however we are exempting that data under Section 40(2) Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) by virtue of S.40(3)(a)(i) of the FOIA.  While salaries for these roles are weighed against comparable public and private sector positions, actual salaries are individually arrived at, reflecting the qualifications, experience, and performance of the person in each role.  We consider that providing such data would be a breach of the individual’s privacy rights. 


Job Title 

Job Evaluation Level 

Senior Manager, Communications 


Senior Manager, Finance 


Head of HR 


Senior Manager, IT 


Senior Manager, Marketing 


Chief Operating Officer 




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