Police Federation

FOI 00237 - BLM - emails regarding protests


Received: 19 November 2020

Could you please provide me with the following information from May 25 up to date.

(Or, if this is too large a timeframe, the week following May 25, the week following June 7, and the week following September 28)

Can you please provide (redacted as needed) internal emails to and from the most senior staff regarding Black Lives Matter:

In particular:

Offensive terms/language

Policing protests

Heritage sites/statues/vandalism


Responded: 16 December 2020

Having carried out an extensive search of Federation emails we can confirm that we hold no emails which fit within the criteria above.

The emails which do include policing protests have been in relation to wording of communication pieces published on our website here: https://www.polfed.org/news-media-campaigns/latest-news/2020/

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