Police Federation

FOI 00235 - PFEW expenses and National Conference costs


Received: 7 October 2020

Please provide full details of all expenses claimed by 1, national chair 2, national  vice chair 3, national secretary 4, deputy national secretary 5, national treasurer 6, deputy national  treasurer for 2019.

How much money was spent on the PFEW national conference, please break this down by food, alcohol etc 

How much money does PFEW currently hold in reserves 


Responded: 2 November 2020

  1. The Police Federation of England and Wales are exempting this response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Part 2, Section 22: Information intended for future publication.  For ease of access the data will be published here:  https://www.polfed.org/about-us/reports-accounts/.

  2. There has been no physical national conference since 2018 therefore we are unable to give any data on this question.

  3. £9.1 million

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