Police Federation

FOI 00230 - Gross misconduct definitions


Received: 10 August 2020

The Sussex Police Federation Circulation of the 22nd May, 2019 - states that DISMISSAL via the Police Gross Misconduct Allegation Hearing process is being ABUSED up and down the country.
So, when does Police Misconduct become SACKABLE - Gross Misconduct.
The Home Office nor The College of Policing have a definitive answer to the question.
Apart from saying that when the Misconduct becomes "SO SERIOUS" but again, so serious is also NOT defined?
I have asked this question of the PFEW previously but the Police representative body have NOT replied.
The lack of clarity leaves the Police Gross Misconduct Allegation process wide open to abuse, both professional and personal and is a complete misuse of the already too elastic 'Balance of Probability'. Which can then make an enemy of the truth which will only lead to irregularities and injustice.


Responded: 3 September 2020

The Police Federation of England and Wales can confirm that we do not hold this information.

However, the Police (Conduct) Regulations can be found on the legislation.gov.uk website and were updated in February 2020.  This information can be found here:  https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/4/made.

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