90 days from today is Thu, 17 April 2025

Nottinghamshire Police Federation

Reasonable Adjustment Passports

What is a Reasonable Adjustments Passport?

These are used in when police officers and police staff, including new recruits, have a disability or long-term condition or impairment requiring changes to their working environment or practices.

Disability: a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.

Substantial – neither minor nor trivial

Long-term – impairment is likely to last, or has lasted, for 12 months but exceptions are made for HIV, cancer and multiple sclerosis which are covered at point of diagnosis rather than when an adverse effect occurs.

Normal day to day activities – could include things like eating, washing, walking and shopping.

Outline of policy

Reasonable adjustments

RAP reviews

Access to work - gov.uk