90 days from today is Tue, 15 April 2025

Nottinghamshire Police Federation


Nottinghamshire Police Federation has a treasurer (elected from the Branch Board) who sets and manages the annual budget and income/expenditure of the branch.

We also have three trustees (elected from the Branch Council) who scrutinise all income and expenditure. The trustees ensure the expenditure fits within the budget set annually, that it satisfies the branch’s responsibilities under the Federation's Fund Rules and report to the Branch Council.

This is overseen by the treasurer. A financial handbook defines these responsibilities within the branch even further. 

The Federation accounts are subject to a full annual audit and the details are sent to the national Federation treasurer, the Chief Constable and the Home Secretary. They are also available to members.

A monthly update on the accounts is submitted to the Branch Board and a quarterly report shows the branch’s position in relation to its budgets for each area.