90 days from today is Fri, 25 October 2024

Nottinghamshire Police Federation

Pension enquiries

Members requiring police pension forecasts should email XPS enquiries team penmail@xpsgroup.com with a specific request quoting their name and collar/unique ID number in the subject box of the email. Use standard requests as per the following template:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please provide a retirement forecast direct to (your details and email address). This should show my pension entitlement at normal retirement date/age 55/60/67 (delete/quote age required as appropriate) both with and without tax free cash, based on (your current salary).

Yours faithfully

If you have a more complex enquiry please contact the enquiries team at XPS and/or a Federation representative to discuss.  The Police Federation of England and Wales and Nottinghamshire Police Federation and their representatives are not qualified to give any financial advice including pension advice.

If you need independent financial advice please contact the Federation office to be put in touch with a financial adviser.

You can also visit the XPS website for more information.