90 days from today is Fri, 25 October 2024

Nottinghamshire Police Federation

Frequently asked questions

Can I be a member of the Group Insurance Scheme while I am on secondment to another force?

Yes. Payments must be arranged directly with the Federation office treasurer to cover your premiums. Call 0115 844 5981. The cover can continue for the duration of the secondment if it is within the UK. The cover can continue for 36 months if it is outside the UK but within Europe. The cover can continue for 12 months if outside Europe. Any break in cover is subject to a full application to re-join.

Can I be a member of the scheme while I am on a career break?

Yes. Payments must be arranged directly with the Federation office Treasurer to cover your premiums. Call 0115 844 5981.

The cover can continue for 12 months.

Any break in cover is subject to a full application to re-join.

Can I be a member of the scheme while I am on maternity leave?

Yes, but you must set up a payment agreement or standing order directly with the Federation office treasurer. Call 0115 844 5981

This cover can continue for up to five years from the start of your maternity leave.

If you choose to leave the scheme, a full application is required should you wish to re-join.

What if I have a pre-existing health issue, can I still join?

Yes, but exemptions may apply, for further information contact the Federation office.

How does the sick pay cover work?
The scheme includes benefit if your pay is reduced due to being absent as a result of sickness. The scheme pays 20 per cent of salary for 26 weeks.
This works with other benefits available from the Department of Work and Pensions and to maintain you on full pay for the period of claim
How much life insurance am I covered for?
  • Serving member up to age 65 – £120,000
  • Retired member under age 60 – £50,000
  • For other rates, please refer to the scheme booklet.
How is subscription payment made?

The payment is made directly from your payroll or pension.

Do I have to subscribe to the Police Federation to join the scheme?
  • Yes, it is a requirement to subscribe to the Police Federation to join the Group Insurance Scheme.
  • The exception is those who are unable to join the Police Federation so non-Federated ranks, retired officers and police staff.
Who qualifies as a partner under the scheme?

A partner is defined as someone with whom you co-habit and have a shared financial commitment. This includes same sex partners.

How do I add my partner to the policy?

Please fill out the declaration if at all possible or the underwritten doc and then return it to the Federation office.

How can I join?

Contact your Federation representative by calling 0115 844 5981, or visit the GIS website at www.philipwilliams.co.uk.

How do I make a claim?
  • Claim forms for all areas are available on the Scheme documents page.
  • Claims are then handled by Philip Williams, and payment is made directly to your bank within three days of the monthly claim being submitted.
What cover is included?
Please see the

What happens with mobile phone cover?

The scheme provides cover for yours and your partner’s mobile phone in the event of loss, theft or damage. Cover is on a like for like basis and there is a £75 excess per claim.

The claim process is very simple and quick with replacement phones usually sent within 24 hours of claim. Ownership is verified by a recent bill in the name of the owner or member.

What is home emergency cover?

This is a cost-effective cover designed to provide cover when there has been a sudden and unforeseen situation which if not dealt with quickly and without reasonable interventions would:

  • Render your property unsafe or insecure
  • Damage or cause further damage to the property
  • Cause significant discomfort, risk or difficulties for or to you
  • It should be noted that the policy is a home emergency policy and not a home maintenance policy. It is not designed to cover things like dripping taps, or a heating system that is not working properly
  • There is a policy excess of £25 in the event of a claim.
Who is covered under the motor breakdown policy?

The motor breakdown policy covers the member and your partner in any car, motor cycle or car derived van in which they are travelling.

Cover includes Home start, Relay and onward travel throughout the UK. The service is administered by call assist and is provided using local garages which usually ensures a quick and efficient recovery service.

What does the travel policy cover?

The travel policy is a worldwide policy that covers the member, their partner and dependent children who live with them. Dependent children are also covered if they don’t normally live with the member but are travelling with them.

Cover for dependent children ceases on their 18th birthday unless they remain in full-time education in which case cover ceases on their 21st birthday.
The policy covers many sporting activities, including winter sports.

It is essential that you check the travel policy document for full terms and conditions on what is covered prior to travelling.

What is critical illness payment cover?
  • The kinds of illnesses that are covered are usually long-term and very serious conditions such as a heart attack or stroke, or diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease. However, not every type of serious condition can be covered, for example, certain types of non-invasive cancer would not be covered. Please see your policy details to see which illnesses are covered.
  • The Association of British Insurers regularly reviews and recommends a list of conditions which should be covered by a Critical Illness Policy. Your Federation policy covers all the conditions recommended by the ABI.
  • The payment is made in the event of a member surviving 14 days after the date of diagnosis or undergoing surgery, providing that at the date of diagnosis or undergoing surgery the claimant was an eligible beneficiary.