90 days from today is Sat, 11 January 2025

Nottinghamshire Police Federation

Ordinary duties

To determine whether an officer is disabled in terms of the definitions of the Regulations it is necessary to consider whether they are disabled for the ordinary duties of a member of the Force.

It has been accepted that a constable cannot perform their ordinary duties unless they can at least:

  • Run
  • Walk reasonable distances.
  • Stand for reasonable periods.
  • Exercise reasonable physical force in exercising powers of arrest, restraint and retention in custody
  • Patrol/supervising public order
  • Manage processes and resources, and use IT
  • Deal with procedures, such as prosecution procedures, manage case papers and give evidence in court
  • Deal with crime, such as scene of crime work, interviewing, searching and investigating offences
  • Carry out incident management, such as traffic and traffic accident management
  • Sit for reasonable periods to write, read, use the telephone and to use (or learn to use) IT.
  • Be able to understand, retain and explain facts and procedures
  • Be able to evaluate information and to record details
  • Have the ability to make decisions and report situations to others.