90 days from today is Fri, 09 May 2025

Norfolk Police Federation

Group Insurance - Travel Insurance important update

24 January 2022


With effect from 1st February 2022 your Travel Insurer is changing to AVIVA. Your new policy
number with effect from this date will be: 100751464GPA

We are aware that cover for Covid is crucial to many members and we are pleased to confirm that the new Aviva policy provides more coverage in respect of this. The policy will include Medical Expenses cover for Covid when travelling within FCDO guidelines, as well as the following Cancellation cover for Covid:

- An Insured Person who was due to undertake such Insured Journey receiving a positive
diagnosis of COVID-19 that necessitates such cancellation as a direct result of:

(a) such Insured Person being legally required to undertake compulsory quarantine or self- isolation
following such positive diagnosis; or

(b) the continued suffering by such Insured Person of symptoms of COVID-19 that results in a Qualified
Medical Practitioner confirming that such cancellation is medically necessary;

- A close Relative with whom You reside receiving a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 which directly results in an official instruction to You to undertake compulsory quarantine or self-isolation and necessitating such cancellation.

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

With effect from 1st February 2022, you will no longer be required to declare any pre-existing health conditions or go through a Medical screening process. The Aviva Travel Insurance policy automatically covers all Pre-Existing Medical Conditions providing you can meet the following Declaration:

This policy will not cover you for any claims arising from Pre-existing Medical Conditions as set out

a) Any claims made under the Cancellation, Curtailment or Change of Itinerary and/or Medical &
Emergency Travel Expenses section of this policy as a result of any Pre-existing Medical Condition
where a Qualified Medical Practitioner has not permitted the Insured Person to travel.

b) Any claims under the Cancellation, Curtailment or Change of Itinerary section of this policy as a
result of any Pre-existing Medical Condition where the Insured Person is on a waiting list for in- patient

c) Any claims made under the Cancellation, Curtailment or Change of Itinerary and/or Medical &
Emergency Travel Expenses section of this policy where you are travelling for the purpose of
obtaining medical treatment abroad.

d) Any claims made under the Cancellation, Curtailment or Change of Itinerary and/or Medical &
Emergency Travel Expenses section of this policy where you have been given a terminal prognosis.

e) Purchase of any prescription medicines relating to a Pre-existing Condition.

f) If an Insured Person or Close Relative has suffered a Pre-existing Medical Condition that You could
have reasonably foreseen would have given rise to a Cancellation or Curtailment or Change of Itinerary
claim under the Cancellation, Curtailment or Change of Itinerary section of this policy.

If you have any queries regarding this new Travel Insurance information, please do not hesitate to contact George Burrows on 01403 327719 or via email to
info@georgeburrows.com and a member of the team will happily assist.

This note is not intended to give legal or financial advice, and, accordingly, it should not be relied upon for such. It reflects underwriter’s position as at 21.01.2022 and we may issue further guidance in time. In preparing this note we have relied on information sourced from third parties and we make no claims as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein.

This note has been prepared for Norfolk Police Federation and Group Insurance Members and should not be distributed to any third party. You should not act upon information in this note, without first seeking specific legal and/or specialist advice. Should you require advice about specific insurance arrangements or specific claim circumstances, please get in touch with your representative at George Burrows