"Vital" Police Federation Conference Returns After Two Years
4 June 2021

The Police Federation of England and Wales Conference is returning next week - in a virtual format - after a two-year hiatus following a cyber attack and the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The PFEW Annual Conference is a vital event,” says Andy Symonds, Chairman of Norfolk Police Federation.
“It’s the opportunity to shine a light on what police officers do everyday in keeping us all safe from all types of threat, risk and harms.
“It enables us as officers’ representative body to show off the amazing work and bravery to everyone be that the national and local media, Chief Officers, politicians, College of Policing and many other policing stakeholders.
“It is also the opportunity for those Fed Reps attending from around the country who have the ear of many of their colleagues from the frontline to ask searching questions of those in power who can make a difference to officers professional and personal lives.
“That’s why it’s important we here from the Home Secretary, Priti Patel. I want to hear her priorities and for her to hear our priorities as officers’ voice. I want to ask her about the issues with the pension and how we’re losing many excellent and experienced police officers who are deciding to leave the service early.
“I want to hear a firm commitment for funds to be given directly to forces that are ring fenced directly for use on services for officers physical and mental wellbeing.
“And finally I want to tell her directly that to not give officers any form of pay award this year is truly a kick in the teeth and stomach. We have been the men and women who’ve placed themselves along with the heroes in the NHS in harm’s way to get this country through the Covid pandemic. At the same time we’ve still been extremely busy dealing with all the normal police work which has carried on regardless.
“We’re now seeing re-rostered and cancelled rest days and annual leave embargoes as the country is emerging out of the Covid restrictions which places this extra demand onto police officers.”