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Norfolk Police Federation

Police Federation Elections 2021… your chance to stand for election as a Federation Representative

7 July 2021

Police Federation Elections 2021… your chance to stand for election as a Federation Representative - and then to vote for those who you would like to represent you.

Norfolk Police Federation Chairman Andy Symonds outlines to colleagues the huge benefits of standing as a Federation Representative in the upcoming elections.

Andy said: “I wanted to take the opportunity to highlight the fact that all Norfolk Police officers have now received the e-mail from us asking them to consider nominating themselves for election to be a workplace fed rep.

“The role of a Fed Rep is hugely important to the colleagues we support. Sometimes we’re the only people fighting their corner, so the job satisfaction is immense. Yes, sometimes it’s frustrating but officers are used to that in the day job.

“There is no better feeling than supporting an officer through a difficult time in their career, be that under investigation, going through ill health retirement, taking our a fairness at work or generally needing our help, guidance and support through whatever is going on in their personal or professional life.

“I see officers I’ve supported come through this really difficult patch and have gone onto bigger and better things within and outside of policing. All I can say is if you have bags of energy, commitment, drive and empathy then consider joining the Fed team here in Norfolk.”

For more info message Norfolk@polfed.org