90 days from today is Sat, 12 April 2025

Norfolk Police Federation

PFEW Pensions Q&A evening

17 May 2021

Norfolk Fed have managed to secure for you, a virtual meeting on the subject of Pensions and also the current legal discrimination claim the PFEW have running on behalf over over 30,000 police officers for age discrimination.

It takes place on 2nd June 2021 at 1830-2030, via Teams. It is being hosted by Alex Duncan who is the National Secretary of PFEW and Che Donald the Vice-Chair.

They both have been heavily involved the world of Police Pensions and have the latest information on the direction of travel and importantly what we the Federation are doing in terms of everything pensions. 

Its a unique event which I would encourage as many of you to attend as possible. You will be able to ask live questions and get some answers and lots of information. It is not just open to those officers nearing retirement.

Many officers including myself will not be retiring for many years but have a vested interest in our pensions and the future. 

To secure your place please e-mail Norfolk@polfed.org you will then in due course receive the link to the event.