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Norfolk Police Federation

Federation encourages officers to highlight outstanding of colleagues with the PFEW Annual Women in Policing Award

24 March 2021

Police Federation members in Norfolk are being encouraged to highlight outstanding work by their colleagues by nominating them for the Police Federation of England and Wales’s Annual Women in Policing Award.

The Award is given to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to women in policing and is designed to enable all Federated officers, or recently retired Federated officers, to be recognised and nominated for their work.

Previous winners include Sgt Hana Alayli-Moore, of Lancashire Police, who won the award for introducing the idea of ‘Maternity Buddies’ after noticing that officers and staff felt isolated both before and after pregnancy and PCs Fiona Bone and Nicola Hughes, of Greater Manchester Police, who were killed on duty in 2012.

Sam Hawkins, Secretary of Norfolk Police Federation, said: “The Award is an excellent opportunity to spotlight an individual’s efforts and innovative ideas that support women in policing. It’s a brilliant way to also publicise and share this good practice across the country.”

The closing date for all nominations is 30 April. The winner will be presented with the award at this year’s annual Police Federation Conference, to be held virtually on 9 June.

Nominations can be sent to Norfolk@polfed.org