90 days from today is Thu, 23 January 2025

Norfolk Police Federation

Travel Insurance - Update

7 July 2020


Please see below an update re Travel Insurance and Covid-19


Policy cover for trips booked before 14/03/2020

For trips booked prior to the World Health Organisation declaring the COVID-19 outbreak as a Pandemic, the policy will provide cover under Cancellation section for any remaining irrecoverable costs for members who have been advised not to travel by their GP or where they have received a letter from the NHS advising them to self-isolate.  They will be asked to demonstrate that they have explored all other avenues to pursue a refund i.e. via the Travel Provider and Credit card company.


The policy also provides cover under the Medical section should a member contract Coronavirus whilst travelling and under Catastrophe section for travellers already abroad who are having to return home early due to Government advice.


For anyone currently abroad who is unable to return to the UK, the policy will automatically extend for up to 30 days.  This is on the understanding that the member is following Government advice which is that all UK Citizens should attempt to return to the UK as soon as possible however this advice does not apply to anyone travelling to “exempt countries”.  The list of exempt countries is subject to change and can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-countries-and-territories-exempt-from-advice-against-all-but-essential-international-travel


NB:  If a trip was originally booked before 14th March 2020 but has since been rearranged after this date, this would still be considered to have been booked prior to 14th March as long as the travel provider is retaining the money and simply changing dates and/or destination.  It would only be if the holiday was fully cancelled and refunded and they then book a new holiday altogether that this would constitute a new booking.


Policy cover for trips booked after 14/03/2020

The policy will  not include cover for claims directly or indirectly relating to Coronavirus for any trips booked after 14/03/2020 apart from under the Medical Expenses section.  Cover is subject to FCO advice and members should check before travelling that their destination is on the “exempt countries” list.