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Norfolk Police Federation

Meet Our Newest Rep

16 December 2020

Introducing our newest Representative for Norfolk Police Federation: Chris Hobbs

How long have you been a police officer and what is your current role?
I’ve been a police officer for 13 years, 11 in Devon and Cornwall and the past two in Norfolk. My current role is Detective Sergeant on the Child Abuse Investigation Unit at Wymondham.

Why did you want to become a Rep for Norfolk Police Federation?
I’ve always had an interest and attended sounding boards to discuss issues affecting officers in Norfolk and my previous force. I have also seen first hand the excellent work that Fed Reps do and wanted to give my time and support to the role.

What skills will you bring to the role?
Hopefully I will be able to use my Detective and Uniform experience to bring a rounded view to the role.

What are you most looking forward to?
My first assignment and representing Detectives. In time, I hope to also be able to represent Norfolk at the National Detectives’ Forum.

What are you going to do to support members?
Listen – I think that is the most important thing. Then act on the information for the best interests of the members. There are many challenges and changes to the detective world currently and I want to support members through this.

In your view, why is the Police Federation so important?
The support it gives members is invaluable. Unfortunately at times you only really realise this when you need them in your corner.

Do you remember your first arrest?
Yes I do, it was at a top floor flat in a rather tricky area of Exeter. My tutor said: “This will be a really nice easy one for you, he’s wanted on recall for burglary.” Two hours later we had negotiated a man mountain out who said “I’m not going to come easily”. His family were crying as we had ruined their Christmas. Perhaps not so easy after all!

If you were stuck in a lift with the Home Secretary, what would you (politely) ask her?
On behalf of investigators: can we please go back to simple paper files?!?

Tell us something people may not know about you.
I met Norwich City striker Teemu Pukki after their promotion in 2019 while I was working on the night time economy. My colleague thought he was related to me. My DNA is 2% Finnish so see what you think!

*Chris is pictured with Norwich City FC striker Teemu Pukki