90 days from today is Sat, 25 January 2025

Norfolk Police Federation

CoronaVirus - Holiday Insurance update

5 March 2020


Medical Cover- If you travel to a destination where the Foreign & Commonwealth Office has not advised against all, or all but essential travel then you would be covered for medical costs if you were to catch the virus during your trip. If you travelled and then during your trip the FCO amended their decision to advise against all, or all but essential travel then cover would still remain as your trip began prior to the change in advice.

You will not be covered under any section if you decide to travel against the advice of the FCO.

Curtailment – If you become ill whilst on your trip, you will be covered for unused travel and accommodation costs if you have to return home early as long as you did not travel against FCO advice.

Cancellation cover

If you become ill before your trip and you are unable to travel, you will be covered for unused travel and accommodation costs which you do not use.

If you choose to cancel and not go on your trip when the government have not advised against all, or all but essential travel to your destination then there won't be any cover for cancelling your trip.

If the Foreign and Commonwealth Office have advised against all, or all but essential travel to your destination, you should contact the airline and / or travel agent to seek a refund or to rebook your trip for a later date.

The insurers have advised to that you should continue to monitor the FCO website and government advice for regularly updated information.