90 days from today is Sun, 11 May 2025

Norfolk Police Federation

Launch of Fed 2019 Pay & Morale Survey

10 June 2019

On Monday 10 June we launched our annual Pay and Morale survey. The survey is the only national survey which gives you the chance to share your views on pay conditions and morale. 

This year the survey includes specific questions around pay reforms - your feedback is really important as it will help us fight for what you deserve.

What do we do with the findings?

Not only do the findings give us the evidence and ammunition we need to present your views to the independent pay review body (the body which recommends on police pay) but they also help us:

• Influence policing stakeholders
• Negotiate with chief officers at local level

HMICFRS also make use of the findings in their Police Effectiveness Efficiency and Legitimacy (PEEL) assessment reports. This ultimately benefits federated ranks by ensuring improved management and support systems.

The survey should only take around 20 minutes of your time. It will close on Monday 29 July.

I fully appreciate that asking you to complete another survey is a big ask but the results give us the ammunition and evidence to fight for your pay and conditions. This is about making sure your voice is heard.

If you have any questions and would like the link to the survey sent to either your personal or PNN e-mail address, then please contact us via e-mail on Norfolk@polfed.org to request the link. 

Kind regards,

Andy Symonds
