90 days from today is Sat, 10 May 2025

Norfolk Police Federation

Changes to Group Insurance Scheme

1 August 2019

Dear Member,

Police Federation Group Member Services Schemes Important changes from 1 August 2019

Norfolk Police Federation has reviewed our member service schemes with our insurance brokers George Burrows to ensure the continued best value for members is provided. The result of this review is that with effect from 1st August 2019 the monthly premium will unfortunately rise by 86 pence.

Substantive Officers will therefore be paying a monthly premium of £24.86 for the Standard Package.

Student Officers will continue to receive the cover for free for the first 26 weeks of their membership of the scheme. The 86 pence increase will take effect from week 27, meaning you will pay a monthly premium of £17.54 from week 27 to 104. Thereafter the full £24.86 premium will be deducted.

There are NO increases for any other additional cover you may have, be that the partner cover under the group insurance scheme or additional life insurance for yourself or partner.

We have endeavoured to keep the increase to a minimum and are pleased that we can offer some additional levels of cover. See below for details.

A decision was made to remove one element of cover which is now defunct. This is the Court Award Compensation cover. This is due to the Federation making representations to the force on court compensation awards when you are assaulted as a result of the office you hold. As you will know the force now pay the court awarded compensation as soon as you submit the evidence of the award by the court via the ERP claims system. The force will then collect the compensation once its paid by the offender.

We have therefore negotiated and replaced it with two new elements of cover. Details below;

Unsociable hours benefit

Cover is provided for serving officers only. If you are unable to work due to illness or injury, and this absence lasts for more than 14 days. Unsocial hours benefit is applicable to your unsocial hours enhancement at 7.5% of basic salary, up to a weekly limit of £60 – Constables, £75 – Sergeants or £95 – Inspectors. This helps to compensate for the loss of the unsocial hours payments you would have received. Benefit is payable from the 15th day of absence and for a maximum of 8 weeks, within 24 weeks from the date of disablement. The benefit you receive will depend on your contracted working hours.

Disfigurement / Scarring from burns

Cover is provided for serving officers only. Face:- if as a result of an accident you sustain facial disfigurement such as permanent scarring or permanent burns to the face and the
permanent scarring or permanent burns affect an area of at least one square centimetre a benefit payment will be paid to you according to the size of the area affected. Body:- if as a result of an accident you sustain injury which results in permanent scarring or permanent burns to the body and the permanent scarring or permanent burns affect an area of at least 4.5% of the total body area a benefit payment will be paid to you according to the size of the area affected.

Mobile Phone / Gadget cover

The Federation will once again be funding mobile phone/gadget insurance for all serving members of the group insurance scheme from 1 August 2019. This is for 12 months and will be reviewed again in July 2020. Insurers will pay up to two claims per member per year, up to a maximum of £1,000 per gadget claim, £1,150 per mobile phone claim, for repair or replacement (as applicable) in the event of: accidental damage, theft, accidental loss (mobile phones only), breakdown, liquid damage, fraudulent call use.

You can also find further details of the cover on the Norfolk Federation website:

For serving officers, click here

For student officers, click here 

With the additional cover under the Unsocial hours benefit and disfigurement/scarring from burns along with the existing cover levels and benefits including UK & European RAC Motor Breakdown assistance, Legal Expenses, Sickness Benefits, Best Doctors, Gadget insurance and Worldwide Family Travel insurance we feel the scheme represents excellent value for our members.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of the Federation and if you have any queries, wish to add partner cover, increase your life assurance benefit levels, check your beneficiary details or cancel your membership please do not hesitate to contact us:

Tel: 01603 971420
or email: Norfolk@polfed.org