90 days from today is Sun, 11 May 2025

Avon & Somerset Police Federation

Avon and Somerset Constabulary Benevolent Fund


Avon and Somerset Constabulary Benevolent Fund 

It is not enough to think it won’t happen to me, or to any of my colleagues, that unforeseen accident, unexpected bereavement, or other insurmountable problem, of course it won’t. Unfortunately, events that change lives for ever and turn day to day living from normal to somewhere between uncomfortable to downright intolerable do happen and sometimes they do happen to us, to our workmates, or to people they really care about.

What is the Benevolent Fund?

In 1974 the Avon and Somerset Constabulary Benevolent Fund was created when the previous smaller Bristol, Somerset and Bath Constabularies were brought together. There is a long history of these such Funds around the Country.

The Fund is a registered Charity and provides financial help to existing Avon and Somerset Constabulary officers and retired colleagues.

The Benevolent Fund is here to support serving and retired officers. It is also available for the wider Police family including widows/ers.


Your donation is very important to us and will help the Fund provide financial aid to Police Officers and members of Police Staff of this Constabulary either serving or retired and their dependants where there is a need. Every little helps and all donations however small will be welcome. Another simple way of helping the fund is by remembering the fund in your will. Leaving a legacy is free from inheritance tax. Please email us or click the link below, for a donation form, which would come directly from your wages and counts as a charitable donation. The minimum donation amount currently is £2.50, but you can donate as much as you would like to.

A&S Constabulary Benevolent Fund Donation Form

Donations can also be made via Just Giving; this can be found via the following link:

The Avon and Somerset Benevolent Fund - JustGiving

How do I request Support and Assistance?

If you are having difficulties in meeting an extraordinary bill for example, if you are dealing with one of life's unexpected events which causes untold financial pressure, or maybe your home needs an urgent item of maintenance or an adaption that you are struggling to afford, then the Trustees would be happy to receive an application in order that your needs are considered for a grant from the Benevolent Fund. (Please note that the Trustees are unable to consider any requests for financial assistance in respect of nursing or care home costs.)

A&S Constabulary Benevolent Fund Grant Making Policy

A&S Constabulary Benevolent Fund - Application for Assistance

For more information, to make an enquiry, please call 01278 647084 or email ascbenfund@polfed.org