90 days from today is Sat, 25 January 2025

Hertfordshire Police Federation

We really do have your backs

10 August 2021

I want to quote the Right Honourable Priti Patel to open this month’s message: “We’ve got your backs.”

Only in our case we actually mean it!

The hollow words of the Home Secretary highlight what little respect she and her fellow ministers have for the brave men and women who have literally been putting their lives on the line keeping the public safe for the last 18 months.

The Police Federation, on the other hand, has nothing but admiration for the courage, determination and strength of character you have displayed since the start of the pandemic, often in the most challenging of circumstances.

And we really do have your backs.

That is why we have let the Government know in the strongest possible terms that its zero per cent pay rise for officers is totally and utterly unacceptable.

The Police Federation National Council overwhelmingly passed a motion of no confidence in the Home Secretary and withdrew its cooperation with the Police Remuneration Review Body which we believe has been stripped of any notion of independence and is no longer fit for purpose.

The Federation has also written to the Government with three demands: stop taking police officers for granted and start treating them with respect; agree to work with the Police Federation on an entirely new and fairer system of remuneration decision-making and reverse the zero per cent pay award decision and give police officers a meaningful pay increase. 

The pay freeze is essentially a pay cut. Our pay has fallen nine per cent behind 2010 levels and that works out at a cut of around £4,000 over the last decade. Thanks for nothing.

No one I have spoken to, whether they work in policing or not, thinks that is fair in any way, shape or form.

The idea that you can demand so much of people, shower them with faint praise, and then very publicly treat them with such contempt, has caused real anger in policing and beyond.

I think the vast majority of people acknowledge the debt of gratitude they owe you.

Society benefits from your high levels of public service motivation and discretionary efforts but we all know that relies heavily on feeling valued for the work you do and being properly rewarded  for the sacrifices you make. None of us wants to feel undervalued or taken for granted.

All we want is a fair deal and I promise the Federation is working tirelessly on your behalf to make sure we reach the best possible outcome.

As usual, I’ll close with a reminder that the Federation is here to help should you feel you need any extra support at this time.

Please do not hesitate to contact your workplace rep or full-time officials if you feel overwhelmed or in any way concerned about your wellbeing.

It may be that just talking to one of us could help but we also have access to a wide range of organisations that can offer extra support.

And always remember: “We’ve got your backs.”