90 days from today is Sun, 11 May 2025

Hertfordshire Police Federation


The Police Federation of England and Wales Reps@Work campaign highlights the vital and incredible work Federation reps do to support members locally and nationally. 

The campaign hopes to encourage others to consider a career as a Federation rep by showcasing the stories behind what made members want to become a rep and how the rewarding role can support career development.

The Reps@Work campaign aims to:

  • Highlight the skills and experience of reps throughout the country
  • Share personal stories of how the Federation has helped officers in times of need
  • Build confidence in the Federation network and the value of being a member
  • Encourage more officers to get involved and stand at election times.

How is my local Federation Branch structured?

Each force has a Federation Branch Council made up of all the workplace reps for that force, apart from the Metropolitan branch where, due to their size, council members are voted in from a pool of elected representatives. Branches then elect a Branch Board, including a chair, secretary and treasurer. 

How do I find out more about being a rep?

Any member up to the rank of chief inspector is eligible to stand to be a Federation rep in elections which are held every three years. 

Find out more.

Support your reps

The Federation represents approximately 130,000 officers (97 per of all rank and file officers) on matters of pay, conditions, welfare and equality, benefiting members and the police service as a whole.

Much of this work is largely unreported - Reps@Work was launched as a platform to showcase the good work being done every day by approximately 1,500 Federation reps across England and Wales, both locally and nationally.