90 days from today is Sat, 25 January 2025

Hertfordshire Police Federation

The Federation is here to help

28 October 2020

I am writing this as we come to terms with the second wave of the pandemic. We are back to seeing daily death rates increase, though, thankfully, the infection rate, this week at least, seems to be slowing.

Covid-19 has, of course, had a massive impact on everyone’s lives – and our thoughts have to remain with those who have lost loved ones due to this awful virus.

The police service has been at the forefront of the nation’s response to the pandemic with officers having to quickly adapt to a series of changes to guidelines and regulations. As members of the public have reportedly felt confused about what they can and can’t do, officers have had to try to guide and advise them.

We have stayed focussed on the Four Es – engage, explain, encourage and, as a last resort, enforce – and have worked with our communities to try to prevent the further spread of coronavirus.

But, while doing this, officers have put their own health at risk and they also fear passing on the virus to their own families and friends.

It has been incredibly tough but officers have risen to the challenge and have steadfastly served their communities, not just fighting and preventing crime but also seeking to keep the public safe.

The Force, for its part, has listened to any welfare concerns we have raised and we commend the chief officer team for action on any suggestions the Federation has made.

I would just like to conclude by repeating the message I put out earlier this year when I reminded members that the Federation is here to help should you feel you need any extra support at this time.

This year has been incredibly difficult for everyone and stress, anxiety and mental ill-health do not back away when they see a police uniform.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with your local workplace representatives or the full-time officials if you feel over-whelmed or if you are concerned about your wellbeing, or that of a colleague. It may be that just talking to one of us could help but we also have access to a wide range of organisations that can offer additional support.

Stay safe.