90 days from today is Thu, 23 January 2025

Hertfordshire Police Federation

Supporting you

23 March 2020

We are certainly finding ourselves coming to terms with a crisis that is completely unprecedented in our life-times.

Police officers, supported by police staff and volunteers, are going to find themselves in the front-line as they try to serve and protect our communities. Inevitably, this is going to put a strain on an already stretched service but we know everyone will put together to try to maintain an effective policing service for the public.

As a Federation, we are attending Force briefings and we are involved as chief officers put in place strategies to help us cope with the challenges the coming weeks and months are going to bring. We are also formulating our own plans, putting measures in place plans to ensure we can continue to support members.

We will be doing all we can to adopt a ‘business as usual’ approach as we appreciate members are going to need our support more than ever. Federation secretary Al Wollaston and I will be available on our mobiles and on our email addresses throughout.

Please keep an eye on this website for updates but do not hesitate to get in touch with your branch officials and workplace representatives if you need advice or support.

The Force is putting out information on the intranet so please keep an eye on its updates and also follow advice from the Government and Public Health England.

Above all, and now more than ever, stay safe.