90 days from today is Thu, 23 January 2025

Hertfordshire Police Federation

Season’s greetings

19 December 2019

As 2019 draws to a close, I wanted to take this opportunity to wish all officers and staff a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2020.

Of course, due to the nature of policing, I appreciate many of you will be working over the festive season, serving and protecting our communities. But, nevertheless, I hope that you are still able to get some ‘down time’ with your families and friends.

I am also hopeful that 2020 is going to be something of a turning point for policing. The last 10 years have been challenging to say the least, with budget cuts leaving forces struggling to do more with less. As our officer numbers have declined, demand has increased and the nature of that demand has also changed considerably.

Officers have remained committed to doing the job they joined up to do – fighting and preventing crime, keeping order and protecting the vulnerable. But, in doing so, they have been put under huge pressure.

With the Conservative Government returned to power, we now need to see the Prime Minister and Home Secretary deliver on their pre-election promises and that will mean a significant boost to officer numbers, central funding for a roll-out of Taser, a Police Covenant and tougher maximum sentences for those who assault police officers and emergency service workers.

Over the next few weeks, of course, we are going to see any progress in these areas slow down but 2020 has to be the year when the Government re-invests in policing.

Enjoy the festive season, and stay safe.

  • I will be working all over the Christmas period myself, from 25 December until 2 January, and on call 24 hours a day during that period. Look out for the Federation’s welfare van on New Year’s Eve when Chief Superintendent Matt Nicholls is joining me to give out hot drinks and goodies.