90 days from today is Sat, 25 January 2025

Hertfordshire Police Federation

Could you be a Fed rep?

11 July 2021

The Police Federation election process got underway at the start of this month but there is still time for members to put themselves forward as a workplace representative.

I would encourage any members who are considering standing to get their nomination in now.

Fed reps support and advise members in matters such as conduct, pay, allowances, terms and conditions, equality, professional development and operational policing issues.

It is a challenging role but incredibly rewarding and satisfying in its own right and, through the Federation’s training programme, it can also offer a lot more in terms of personal and professional development.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a workplace rep and, like the vast majority of candidates, I put myself forward for the same reason as I became a police officer, a desire to help people.

As a Federation, we have to be both visible and accessible to all our members and there is little more satisfying than being able to say you were there to offer help and support to a colleague when they needed it most.

The training provided to work-based reps is excellent starting with the basic four-day induction course and then opening up to further opportunities to specialise in areas such as conduct and performance, equality, post-incident procedures plus health and safety.

The deadline for nominations is midnight on 22 July and then voting takes place between 29 July and 19 August.

Any subscribing member who is interested in becoming a rep but is perhaps still undecided can drop me – or branch secretary Al Wollaston - a line or speak to their local Federation reps, to find out more about the role, what it entails and how to stand in the elections.

I would just like to conclude by repeating the message that the Federation is here to help should you feel you need any extra support at this time.

Policing throughout this pandemic has been incredibly difficult for everyone and stress, anxiety and mental ill-health do not back away when they see a police uniform.

Please do not hesitate to contact your workplace rep or full-time officials if you feel overwhelmed or in any way concerned about your wellbeing.

It may be that just talking to one of us could help but we also have access to a wide range of organisations that can offer extra support.