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Hertfordshire Police Federation

Force receives Menopause-Friendly Accreditation (MFA)

24 January 2024

The vice-chair and equality lead of Hertfordshire Police Federation has heaped praise on the Force after it was awarded the Menopause-Friendly Accreditation (MFA).

Terasa Holden says the accreditation - which was awarded to Hertfordshire constabulary alongside Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire as part of their tri-force collaboration - is a credit to the Force.

The accreditation had only been given to five police forces nationally and highlights the ongoing commitment by Hertfordshire Force to promoting awareness, understanding and supporting the menopause.

Terasa, who speaks openly about experiencing menopause herself, said: “Every person’s menopause experience is different. Whether it’s brain fog, insomnia, night sweats or anxiety - the symptoms change from person to person. 


The vice-chair and equality lead of Hertfordshire Police Federation, Terasa Holden.


“But in a lot of cases, whatever the symptoms, menopause can have a huge impact on a person’s life, and that includes their job. To know that Hertfordshire is one of five forces that have received this accreditation fills me with so much pride.

“I hope that the accreditation demonstrates to current officers as well as those considering joining Hertfordshire constabulary, just how committed we are to our workforce.”

To achieve accreditation, employers must demonstrate six key areas, including culture, policies and practices, training, engagement, facilities and evaluation. The accreditation gets reviewed every two years.

“Something that was introduced at Hertfordshire was officers and staff being able to claim their HRT [Hormone Replacement Therapy] yearly prescription charge through the Force,” said Terasa.

“As it stands, 18 people take advantage of this, including me. It might seem like something small to many, but it can make a huge difference. As someone experiencing menopause, it made me feel like the Force was committed to making what I was going through just that little bit easier, and that meant a lot.”

The Force also has 30 fully trained ‘menopause champions’ - one of whom is Terasa - who provide compassionate, confidential advice to those who need it.

“We’ve already started planning for this year’s World Menopause Day and are committed to growing the support we offer. 

“We’re also passionate about raising awareness of menopause across the Force, so those in senior positions and line managers are better informed of the potential symptoms and how they could impact those in their team.

“The more we talk about menopause, the better the support available will be.”

READ MORE: Screening project finds no Herts officers to be of concern.