90 days from today is Sun, 18 May 2025

Hertfordshire Police Federation

Uniform offers free, independent mortgage advice

5 August 2023

With the Bank of England increasing interest rates from 5.00 to 5.25 per cent, please remember free, independent mortgage advice is available to police officers and staff.

Uniform Mortgages Ltd has been working with Federation members since 2002 so if you have a mortgage now and your fixed rate will be expiring within the next three months Uniform advisers will look at ways to help reduce the increase to your monthly mortgage repayments.

Also, if you are a first time buyer, moving home or buying an additional property, Uniform can help. 

Eligibility to use the free service:

  • Police officers
  • Police staff
  • Police Federation employees 
  • Immediate family of all of the above groups including spouse or partner, children, parents and siblings. 

For more information visit the Uniform Mortgages website,  call 01767 316 626 or email: Info@uniformmortgages.co.uk quote –  Herts1.