90 days from today is Sun, 18 May 2025

Hertfordshire Police Federation

Christmas wishes from Hertfordshire Police Federation

19 December 2023

Looking back on 2023, we can’t help but think that policing never seems to get easier. Each year it feels like life as an officer gets tougher and tougher - especially following the proposal of new misconduct regulations and vetting of officers under review. 

Of course, we can’t forget the good news we received in July when it was announced - after so many years - that officers would get a seven per cent rise in pay. That said, that increase still falls way behind where we should be.

Like most forces, we have continued to recruit a large number of new police officers. While it’s great to see such a growth in numbers, what the uplift also brings with it, is a huge gap in experience on the frontline - we hope to hear what the Force’s review team plans on doing to tackle this. As we enter the New Year, we also look forward to seeing the implementation of the Right Care, Right Person scheme, as we believe this will help to alleviate some pressure felt by our members.

This year we have lost a number of our colleagues. Last week we attended the funeral of Police Constable Luke Fuller. Luke died suddenly at the age of 31 in November with his family by his side, just a few months after his daughter Amber tragically died. We were so proud of each of Luke’s colleagues who attended the funeral. There’s no doubt in our minds that you all made him so proud, and we know his family have been hugely comforted by the support you’ve shown them.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Luke’s family, friends and colleagues, as well as all those who have lost a loved one at what will undoubtedly be a difficult Christmas.

As police officers, Christmas is never ‘normal’. For the majority, the festive period is spent protecting the public. We do hope everyone gets some time off with their friends and families, you all deserve it. Can we take this opportunity to thank every single one of you for your continued hard work and commitment to the job.

Merry Christmas to all, and a happy New Year.


Branch chair Luke Mitchell

Branch secretary Al Wollaston