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Hertfordshire Police Federation

Award-winning Special Sergeant is 'over the moon'

16 November 2023

Special Sergeant Alex Whittle said he was “over the moon” to receive Hertfordshire Police’s award for outstanding contribution to the Special Constabulary.

Alex was named the Force’s Special Constabulary Officer of the Year at an awards ceremony that celebrated the outstanding and dedicated work of officers, staff and volunteers.

He said: “I was over the moon to win.

“It’s the first time I've been nominated and it makes you feel that the work you put in is worthwhile.

“It’s nice to have that recognition for giving up your time, because doing a job such as policing is not everyone’s cup of tea and it’s certainly not easy.”

Alex joined the Special Constabulary after initially wanting to join the regular service in 2010.


Left to right: Special Superintendent Michael Allardyce, Special Sergeant
Alex Whittle, Chief Constable Charlie Hall, Special Superintendent Joanne Reay.


“Unfortunately it was when we had a big national recruitment freeze and they were slashing numbers across the country,” he said.

“The only way in was to become a Special.

“My plan was to do it until the recruitment freeze ended, and then join as a regular.

“I did apply and got a job offer but in the end I turned it down because the money I was on in my day job was more than a starting wage for a PC, and I couldn’t afford to take the pay cut.

“But I’ve continued doing it and really enjoy it. It gives me the best of both worlds.

“I can do my day job and then give back to the community with the police.”

He was nominated for the award by his inspector.

The citation said: “Since taking up his role as Special Sergeant on the Scorpion Team, Alex has provided exceptional leadership to his team and the wider Special Constable Operational Support Teams.

“Alex has actively engaged with local CSP Scorpion Teams to involve his team in operations, proactive patrols and the execution of warrants. Recently he was involved in an operation where he uncovered a viable illegal firearm during a search and secured this evidence along with a quantity of drugs. His actions along with the local Scorpion team ensured that these dangerous items were taken out of circulation.

"Alex has been involved in the constabulary’s response to Operation Indigo. This is an ongoing multi-agency operation targeting vehicles being used in acquisitive crime, cross-border drug supply, modern slavery, violence against women and girls (VAWG), as well as detecting road traffic offences. He has liaised with counterparts in the Met and coordinated the constabulary’s resources.

"He has also organised mobile welfare facilities to be on site for operations along the A1M corridor. These operations have resulted in more than 40 vehicle seizures, several arrests and countless road traffic offences being detected and dealt with by the policing teams and partner agencies.

“Alex’s work ethic is such that by his example he encourages others within the team to step-up and deliver and this helps the Operational Support Teams to deliver the best possible service to the communities we serve.”

The awards were held at Tewinbury Hotel in Welwyn and were attended by Chief Constable Charlie Hall was joined by Police and Crime Commissioner David Lloyd, the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire Liz Green, Lord-Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Robert Voss, along with Deputy Chief Fire Officers Andy Hopcraft from Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service at the awards.

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