90 days from today is Wed, 16 April 2025

Hertfordshire Police Federation

Read the winter edition of our Federation Matters magazine

19 December 2022

The latest edition of Hertfordshire Police Federation’s magazine is out now and available to read online.

The winter issue of Federation Matters includes a wide range of articles and features on issues affecting members.

It covers our campaign to ensure all frontline officers are double crewed in the wake of some startling findings to an in-depth study on the effects on single crewing both on officers and members of the public.

There are updates on how new laws will have an impact on police drivers and the growing campaign for a posthumous medal for officers killed on duty.

The magazine also looks back on Hertfordshire Police’s involvement in the Queen’s funeral and National Police Memorial Day.

Printed versions of the magazine are circulating around the Force area and you can also read it online.