90 days from today is Wed, 16 April 2025

Hertfordshire Police Federation

Have your say in who leads the Federation

29 March 2022

Hertfordshire Police Federation members are being encouraged to vote for the next national Federation chair before the polls close tomorrow night.

Geoff Bardell, chair of Hertfordshire Police Federation, said: “I’d encourage as many members as possible to engage in the democratic process and vote for who they want to be our next national chair.

“This is an important process in the future of the Federation and an opportunity for members to shape its direction. There is still time to vote and every member should have their say in the future of the organisation.”

Voting closes at 11.59pm on Wednesday (30 March) and the successful candidate will take up the post on Friday (1 April).

Members can choose from three candidates. Brian Booth is chair of the West Yorkshire Police Federation, Ché Donald is the national vice-chair, and Steve Hartshorn is a National Board member and firearms lead.

All members are eligible to vote and should have received instructions on the process directly to their mailbox.

Members with any questions about the election process should contact the Hertfordshire Police Federation office.

Read the candidates’ election statements in full: Brian BoothChé DonaldSteve Hartshorn.