90 days from today is Fri, 25 October 2024

Avon & Somerset Police Federation

Special Constable Federation Representative Featured in Police Magazine

23 February 2024

Andy Dollard – one of the country’s first Special Constable Federation Representatives - is featured in this month’s PFEW Police magazine.

Acting Chair Iain Prideaux said: “I am so pleased that Andy is being celebrated in this month’s edition of Police magazine. He brings years of wisdom and experience to our Council. Listening to the policing family is vitally important to us and the experiences of our colleagues in the Special Constabulary add to our ability to negotiate and influence for their improved working conditions.

“To all our Special colleagues and especially those who are thinking of joining, please join us and together with Andy’s passion and commitment, we can make your policing career even better. Thank you Andy and welcome aboard!”


See the article here