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Avon & Somerset Police Federation

PFEW Pay and Morale Survey - Officers urged to share their views

6 September 2022

Police officers are being urged to set aside a few minutes to share their views on pay and morale amid the cost-of-living crisis.

The findings from the 2022 Pay and Morale Survey will provide strategically important evidence to support our ongoing national pay campaign, calling for fair remuneration for police officers, and an independent pay mechanism, the Federation has said.

It will also enable PFEW to highlight areas where change is needed and support its drive towards improving working conditions for officers.

Mark Loker, Chair of Avon and Somerset Police Federation, said: “Surveys such as this are critical. All too often we get criticised for not engaging or not listening to our membership, but this is a key way for us to get the views, thoughts and feelings and provide more than anecdotal evidence to support the negotiations we undertake on behalf of our membership.

"This time we have tried to reduce the impact of surveys and amalgamated our two main surveys so we can collate the evidence around thekey areas affecting our membership, demand, capacity and welfare.

"The results of this survey will be used to lobby Government and Constabularies on the areas that affect our members. The added benefit is that we can also use the results to highlight to our communities the efforts you all go to and highlight the reality of policing in 2022.

"All too often Forces rely on the Peelian principles, but whilst we need the consent of our public to Police we also have to engage the public to our cause and highlight the massive detriment we face being Police Officers, the results of this survey are fundamental to highlighting this.

“If we can give the Government and our communities an idea about how we are and where we are I hope it would bring a level of candour to Policing that if left to the Politicians would be thoroughly absent.

"Policing may well be in crisis but not because of you, because of decisions made at senior levels and politically that affect us all.., we want to redress the balance and we need your help to do so”.

For the first time, this year’s survey will also gather evidence on demand, capacity and welfare issues to provide the Government, key stakeholders and members of the public a comprehensive insight into the realities of policing as they currently stand.

National Chair Steve Hartshorn said: “The National Board and local branches are working incredibly hard behind the scenes to engage with the Government, MPs and key stakeholders to ensure the experiences of our colleagues are heard.

“With pressure mounting on the Government to take action to address the dire cost of living situation, as well as shortfalls in policing, it is now more important than ever to make your voices heard.

The Pay and Morale Survey is conducted by PFEW’s in-house Research Department and is the only consistent national survey that represents members’ attitudes to pay and conditions. We are pleased, this year, to take into account our members’ welfare and wellbeing concerns alongside their views on pay and working conditions.

The survey should be arriving in officers’ inboxes to complete.