90 days from today is Sat, 10 May 2025

Avon & Somerset Police Federation

Chair Iain Prideaux: For too long the Police Federation has been forced to enter into an unfair pay process.

22 July 2021

Dear members

Yesterday I made clear that the Home Secretary was out of touch and out of order in her decision not to award Police Officers a pay rise and genuinely reflect what she describes as our, “bravery, commitment and professionalism.”

If all your sacrifices and hard work throughout the past year are rendered unworthy of reward, I have added my voice to the emergency national council meetings decision to publicly claim we no longer have confidence in the Home Secretary.

Our National Chair, John Apter has placed a public statement on our website https://www.polfed.org/news/latest-news/2021/pfew-no-longer-has-confidence-in-the-current-home-secretary/ and this is just the beginning of fighting against an independent pay review body that itself said was disappointed that it couldn’t fully exercise its role in making recommendations on pay uplifts for the next pay round (see executive summary page xv) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1004932/PRRB_2021_report_-_web_accessible.pdf

For too long the Police Federation has been forced to enter into an unfair pay process.

I will continue to work both locally and nationally to fight this and you can be sure that this branch and the National Police Federation are exploring all available routes to overturn this unfairness and to make the process better in the future.

Iain Prideaux
Avon and Somerset Police Federation