Leicestershire  Police Federation

Federation keep-in-touch day sees over 50 new and prospective parents find out more about maternity and paternity rights

21 November 2022


Federation keep-in-touch day sees over 50 new and prospective parents find out more about maternity and paternity rights


Around 50 prospective and new parents - along with a handful of babies - attended a keep-in-touch day at force headquarters last week (21 November).

Mums, partners and other officers and staff were invited to a KIT day so they could discuss maternity and paternity rights and provisions.

Joe Lloyd, Deputy Secretary of Leicestershire Police Federation, attended, along with Deputy Equality Lead Shauna Ashton.

Joe said: “It’s a really important day. KIT days let officers keep in touch with supervisors and teams, but this all-encompassing KIT day enables them to find out about flexible working, career pathways, and they can also talk to uniform providers, which is important particularly for female officers. Networks including Unison, Women in Policing and the Fostering Support Network, as well as the force’s wellbeing service, were all in attendance.

“The day provides an opportunity for officers that have been away for a considerable amount of time to meet up with other officers in their position, share experiences and make informed choices about their future with the force. It ensures that we are available for our members, and it was really positive and well-received.”

Father Christmas also took time out of his busy schedule to provide gifts to the newest members of the police family.

Joe added: “The welfare of our members is really important. When you become a parent, you experience a whole world of changes; financially, emotionally and professionally. So it’s vital that we provide these days so our members know we are there to support them.”

Another KIT day is planned for next year, although a date has not yet been confirmed.



September 2024