Leicestershire  Police Federation

There’s never been a better or more critical time for officers to join Leicestershire Police Federation’s Medical Scheme

4 February 2021



There’s never been a better or more critical time for officers to join Leicestershire Police Federation’s Medical Scheme


There’s never been a better or more critical time for officers to join Leicestershire Police Federation’s Medical Scheme.

COVID-19, an increase in assaults and the ongoing stresses and strains of the job are putting officers at a greater risk of getting injured and needing medical or mental health support.

The very nature of the job, wearing and carrying heavy kit every day can have a real slow burn physical effect on officers too so even if they are feeling fit and well now it may be something which will affect them in the future.

It’s not just work ailments that are covered either. Both the scheme’s physical and mental health programmes can be used however and wherever the issue arose.

All referrals are treated with absolute confidentiality too.

Scheme members get the benefits of NHS queue busting private medical healthcare with a ‘Beat the Blues’ counselling service, tests and treatments, physio and direct access to the scheme nurse for themselves and their families.

Medical Scheme Manager Kerry Meuldyk said that with everything going on in the world it’s vital officers have a health safety net in place to catch them should they need it.

“With COVID and the pressure the NHS is under waiting times are going to get worse,” she said.

“This is a great Scheme that is only available to Police officers and Staff and now is a really good time to join. It just gives officers that extra bit of reassurance, particularly as they can cover their family too.

“It’s far better to join the scheme now rather than wait until you as an officer, or a member of your family is hurt, and you end up having to wait in the NHS system.”

“You may be young and fit now, but none of us know what’s around the corner,” she added.

Bespoke counselling services are provided too, Hannah Williams, the Medical Scheme Nurse, added.

She believes having these sorts of services in place can help to break down some of the stigma attached to mental health in policing and will encourage officers to come forward and talk about it.

“It’s a full umbrella of counselling,” Hannah said.

“It’s not just about providing PTSD or talking therapies; the service will look at the person as a whole rather than just labelling them with a diagnosis.

“They’ll look at all the issues and will tailor the therapy to them, and as part of the Beat the Blues scheme people can be referred to further support.

“It’s a fantastic bespoke service, and it’s not just work affiliated.”

Officers can rest assured the service is completely confidential and won’t appear on work records unless they need more serious treatment.

As the scheme’s full-time nurse, it means Hannah can offer medical advice via a call or an email.

Hannah is on hand to signpost them on to further support if required.

The scheme is all about looking after those who look after others, she said.

“It’s putting police officers and their family first and looking after them, prevention is better than a cure, and it’s better to put a niggle right now than it becoming a problem later on,” she said.

Members who join the scheme can get immediate cover, and fees start from just £21.20 a month.

Should officers have to have their treatment in an NHS hospital for something generally covered under the scheme, they’ll get cashback while existing officers will get three months' free cover when they join.

New officers can join without any having to ask medical questions while for retired officers services can be provided at other hospitals across the country.

Find out more and apply for the Medical Scheme at https://lpf-trusts.org/medical-scheme/.


September 2024